Foundation Repair
in Portland OR and Vancouver WA areas
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Foundation Contractors
Foundation repair is a necessary part of home maintenance, but can often be something most homeowners forget. Masonry Waterproofing, and Drainage Masters have successfully saved homeowners thousands of dollars by addressing minor foundation repairs early on. Are you in need of an experienced foundation contractor to restore your foundation back to new? Contact the experts at Masonry Masters today!
Need an Estimate for
Contact us now to schedule your in-person consultation!Our experts will quickly diagnose your problems and recommend the most affordable repairs available that bring a real solution to your foundation problems.
Our crawl space contractors at Masonry Waterproofing, and Drainage Masters can fully inspect, diagnose problems, and recommend affordable repairs.
A resurfaced concrete wall improves a home’s appearance and value. Without a timely repair or resurface, you may need far more extensive repairs.
Cracks, sagging floors, chimneys pulling away from the house, and tight doors and windows are all reasons to get foundation posts replaced or adjusted.
Sill plate repair or replacement becomes necessary if the wood experiences serious dry rot, wet rot, or you have undergone a high level of termite damage.
Seismic Retrofitting or Seismic Upgrading are two terms used to best describe the process of preparing an existing structure to better survive an earthquake.
Noticing signs that your house is settling can be alarming. However, understanding whether it’s normal or a more serious foundation issue is crucial.
In all the excitement of house hunting and finding a great property, it’s crucial not to overlook one fundamental aspect: the foundation.
While some situations need immediate attention from a waterproofing professional, there may be some steps you can take to stop the water from pouring in.
Discovering foundation cracks not only raise alarms about the structural integrity of your home but also the potential financial repercussions.
Have you noticed deterioration or cracking in your foundation or brickwork? Parging can restore and protect your masonry.
Have you noticed a crack in your foundation? Find out whether it’s cause for concern or not with some help from the Masonry Masters team.
Signs of Foundation Problems
How do you know if your home’s foundation needs repair? The appearance of cracks in your foundation is the #1 indicator that your foundation is becoming compromised. Maintaining the foundation of your home is vital. In the event of a flood, having your home’s foundation intact could leave your home completely unaffected. These are the most common signs your foundation needs repair:
- Cracks on the ceiling or interior and exterior walls of your home
- Water damage and soil shifting
- Doors jamming or failing to latch
- Windows that are difficult to open and close completely
- Spacing between crown molding and the ceiling
- Spacing between caulking on windows and doors
There are several factors in identifying when your foundation needs repair. Normal settlement cracks are common but should be fixed to prevent further cracks and water in the home. These crack issues should be monitored to ensure they do not return and to ensure that movement and settlement issues have been properly addressed.
Settling and shifting of foundations can often be caused by building a structure on soil that is expanding or contracting due to freezing cycles or poor drainage, non-compacted fill soils, or from poor landscaping around the home’s foundation.
Experts in Foundation Services
One of our top specialties is fixing and inspecting foundations. If your home’s foundation is deteriorating due to shifting soil or improper drainage, or you have drainage issues in your crawl space or around your foundation, our foundation repair contractors are here to help. We offer several solutions depending on your home’s unique situation to permanently fix your foundation issues.
Whatever the cause of this settling, it can lower the value of your home. Whatever you are experiencing with your home’s foundation, be it bowed and/or cracked foundation walls, cracks in the drywall, sagging floors, or unstable foundation soils, our expert foundation repair contractors will fix your foundation problem!
With over 30 years of experience, we serve the entire Portland OR and Vancouver WA area. Masonry Waterproofing, and Drainage Masters combine experience, professionalism, cost effectiveness, and speed to provide a superior service and outcome in foundation repairs. Contact us today.
Foundation Repair in Portland OR and Vancouver WA areas
Serving clients in Portland OR and Vancouver WA communities: